Being and Nothingness

Title : Being and Nothingness
Details : Acrylic painting on canvas, 405X307

Description: Title comes from Jean Paul Sarte's definitive work on existentialism

Framed - size- 750X880
Print Available at
Besides the comments below appreciation also comes from :
Marcel, Poland; C Forsythe, Canada; DJF, UK; BB, Russia; KL, Canada; SY, USA; WD, USA; Irene, France
This is so extremely well executed. If I had not read the title first, I would have known the title anyway, it’s that effective. I applaud you for this piece, very impressive.
Victoria Champion, USA, Nov 04
The first word and feeling that comes to my mind when I saw this painting was desolation.....of the soul maybe?
Ana Maria Hidalgo, Chile, Nov 04
The light effect is very strong on this, because it brings out so much attention to the gaping hole, which makes me think about what's causing it. I really adore the painting strokes and skills you have into this, and all your work. It makes me feel a little empty looking at it. Lovely job.
Kay, USA, Nov 04
Made me reflect
Alan Gurling, UK, Nov 04

You captured well the vastness of the earth in this, which seems to be a common reminder of just how small we are in this world and how little we can do as individuals.
I like the subtle earth tones too, I am always a big fan of that.
- Mike Poulos, USA, Nov 04

Wow, I was first attracted to this not only because of the great execution , but also because I'm reading a play by Jean-Paul Sartre as well - No Exit.
I love this piece though and I really think that you did a fantastic job with the colors and feeling of depth.
I wish that there were only one person in the piece, however, rather than four people so that it would show more of the existentionalist thought of seclusion to develop one's own ideas and opinions of the world.
But I don't think that the more people hinder the piece that much ..... Fantastic work, this is one of my favourite pieces of yours.
- Raquel A, USA, Nov 04

It really IS both being AND nothingness in the same painting. And that's why it's something that makes me uneasy...reconciling those two things...trying to see how you weaved them together with just a hole and some people. I also love the smoooooooothness of this.
- Rebecca, USA, Nov 04

I dunno anything about the book..but I really love this piece.!!! The Sky!!!!!!!! composition everything..great great stuff!
- Jessica Kuffner, Canada, Nov 04

This reminds me the paintings of the surrealists. I think it's because of that light. I've always loved this kind of works.
- Maria Davidjuk, Finland, Nov 04

It's extremely minimal... I'm a Camus fan myself... not Sartre
- Jason d'Eon, Canada, Nov 04